Posted February 12, 2025 6:11 pm by Comments

By Rebecca Jones

Ask the Wyoming Senate to Support the Repeal of Gun-Free Zones
The GOA-backed “Repeal of Gun Free Zones Bill,” championed by Representative Jeremy Haroldson (Republican from Wheatland), passed the Wyoming House in January and now is on the move in the Senate!
GOA fought hard to pass this bill in 2022 and 2023, but anti-Second Amendment liberals stopped the Legislation.
We ultimately got it over the finish line in 2024, only to have Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon veto it. Now in 2025, Representative Haroldson has worked the legislation through the Wyoming House for the second straight year!
Despite passing the House, there is still strong opposition from opponents who don’t believe you have a right to protect yourself in areas where only criminals will be armed!

So, we still have work to do in the Wyoming Senate! There is also the possibility of a Conference Committee between the House and Senate or a Governor’s veto.
Please click the TAKE ACTION HERE, or the graphic at the top, and contact your elected Senator and tell them to support HB0172 to Repeal dangerous Gun-Free Zones in Wyoming.
GOA will be working to ensure this bill passes the Legislature without weakening Amendments, so stay tuned for more information

Source: Gun Owners of America

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