Posted July 26, 2024 6:13 am by Comments

By Lee Williams

(Photo from licensed Shutterstock account).by Lee WilliamsWhen Kamala Harris ran for president in 2020, she called for a mandatory buyback of “assault weapons,” which is political-speak for a compulsory confiscation of personal property by armed agents of the government.The media never pressed Harris about the details, such as how she planned to define “assault weapons,” how she intended to skirt the Second, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution, or how far she was willing to go if law-abiding gun owners refused to surrender their arms to the government. It didn’t matter. Harris was tabbed as an anti-gun radical, which forever endeared her to the legacy media and their corporate bosses.Harris hasn’t mentioned her armed confiscation plans recently, but she doesn’t need to. After Joe Biden resigned from the presidential race via social media and Harris was given the frontrunner mantle, of course the media jumped to offer whatever assistance they could. After all, here is a politician who advocated seizing “assault weapons” by force, which fits the media’s anti-gun narrative 100-percent.Case in point: When March for Our Lives — the New York City-based nonprofit with $1.3 million in assets that pays its secretary David Hogg an

Source: The Gun Writer

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