The New Russian GP-46 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher (40x46mm)
By Hrachya H
Kalashnikov Concern released a new AK underbarrel grenade launcher called GP-46 (ГП-46). The new launcher is chambered in 40x46mm. Yes, that’s the NATO 40mm low-velocity round, not the Russian 40mm caseless round used in other GP series of underbarrel grenade launchers like the GP-25, GP-30, and GP-34. But no, Russia is not adopting the NATO round as this is a product designed for a foreign customer.UBGLs @ TFB: [DEFEXPO 2020] Indian UBGL (Under Barrel Grenade Launcher) for INSAS Hands on with the SL40 UBGL/Standalone Grenade Launcher from Lithgow Arms USMC To Order First M320 Grenade Launchers Redesigned 40mm UBGL from Fabryk BroniThe GP-46 underbarrel grenade launcher is designed by Sergey Urzhumtsev, Head Designer of Kalashnikov Concern. The new UBGL can be attached to various AK rifles or used in a standalone configuration when installed on a grip/stock module which was introduced along with the launcher. The GP-46 launcher can be safely fired when there is a silencer installed on the gun.
Source: The Firearm Blog
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