Posted July 26, 2024 7:30 pm by Comments

By Eric B

Photo Of The Day with a lovely mish-mash of firearms used by the armed forces of the United Kingdom and Sweden. The Royal Marines recently participated in the BALTOPS 2024 exercise, a significant annual NATO-led maritime exercise held in the Baltic Sea. This year’s exercise took place along the Swedish coastline, close to the capital Stockholm. The Royal Marines conducted various amphibious operations, showcasing their ability to operate in diverse and challenging environments.

“During the exercise, the Royal Marines and their Swedish counterparts practiced coordinated beach landings, urban warfare scenarios, and complex amphibious assaults. This collaboration aimed to enhance interoperability and strengthen defense capabilities among the participating nations. The exercise also involved joint maneuvers with other NATO forces, including air and naval units, to ensure a comprehensive and integrated approach to regional security.”

Below: The L7A2

Source: The Firearm Blog

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