Posted January 18, 2024 1:12 pm by Comments

By Monte Bowen

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The start of a new year often brings the radical, anti-gun left’s push to strip away the right to keep and bear arms.  
And course, New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham is doubling down her efforts to erode our God-given right to self-defense. 

And with her constant attacks on our rights, it’s crucial to stand firm in defending the Second Amendment while engaging in rigorous debate to protect our freedoms. We must ensure our children and grandchildren grow up in a country with the U.S. Constitution still intact!
And with the help from her anti-gun pals in the New Mexico legislature, here’s a little bit of what we’ll be fighting against in 2024:

HB 137: This is the mother of all gun control! This bill excludes all gas operated weapons, and weapons that take a magazine. 
HB 114: A so-called “Firearm Industry Accountability Act” attacking gun manufactures and gun stores for legally selling firearms.  
HB 129: Government imposed mandatory waiting periods to purchase firearms. 
HB 127: Government imposed restrictions on 18–20-year-old adults from buying firearms.  

Sadly, this is just the start. There’s much more

Source: Gun Owners of America

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