MT: Initial Legislative Update!
By Iain Graeme
The 2025 Montana Legislative Session has Commenced!
YOU stalwart sentinels of liberty are once again called upon to man your posts and be ever watchful for the inevitable backlash that is sure to come in the wake of the nation’s rejection of the latest incarnation of socialism last November.
Your task is to ensure that you and your fellow patriots are engaged in the political fight at the State and Local levels.
In order to assist you in that crucial effort GOA has a State Legislation tracker that will provide you with information on what bills are pending within your State legislature. Each legislation will clearly indicate GOA’s stance, as well as contain a brief First Principles summary of each bill that will tell you the only vital details. These summaries can then be used as the body for your email to your State legislators.
The fast-paced nature of these legislative sessions necessitates that you will have to take the initiative and contact your elected representatives about the legislation that GOA is tracking in order to voice your support or opposition.
In order to assist you in the task of communicating with legislators, GOA has a Legislator Lookup function on the website. This search function
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