MN: Constitutional Carry Bill in the Senate!
By August Shettler
Pro-gun State Legislators have introduced SF 352, a bill that would provide Constitutional Carry to the great people of Minnesota.
Under SF 352, a person will be able to carry a concealed firearm in most places in the state, without having to beg the government for a permit. The bill removes the need for a license and makes it optional.
SF 352 also lifts restrictions on where someone may carry a firearm including in a motor vehicle, snowmobile, or boat. Constitutional Carry is especially important at a time when crime is at a record high in many anti-gun cities, with citizens needing to defend themselves much more often.
Twenty-nine other states currently recognize that Americans have the right to carry a gun for self-defense without first getting the government’s permission to exercise their constitutional rights. These states, not coincidentally, are among the safest in the country.
It’s well past time that Minnesota joined these states and repeal the unreasonable and unconstitutional limits on its citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
We would also like to acknowledge the great senators who are sponsoring this bill: Dr. Bill Lieske, Nathan Wesenberg, Calvin K. Bahr, Steve Green, and Steve J. Drazkowski. These legislators are strong advocates for
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