How Vietnam Sniper Carlos Hathcock Took Down the ‘Apache Woman’
By Lauren Young
Carlos Hathcock is known for his skill and patience when it comes to dispatching his opponents from a distance. This United States Marine Corp sniper, also known as “White Feather” during Vietnam, has been comfortable with stalking and shooting since he was a boy.
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Marine Life for Carlos Hathcock
Raised by his grandmother for the first 12 years of his life, money was an issue. Hathcock took on the responsibility of caring for the family. He began hunting and shooting to put food on the table using his .22-caliber J.C. Higgins single-shot rifle. When he wasn’t hunting animals, he spent his free time hunting imaginary enemies with the Mauser his father brought back from WWII. His instinctual nature toward service, combined with love of country and firearms, made the dream of being a Marine an obvious choice; and at the age 17, he made that dream a reality.
Hathcock’s service record bolstered 93 confirmed kills (a conservative number). Known for his patience when pursuing his targets, he was legendary throughout Vietnam and quickly became a person of interest for the Vietcong. At one …Read the Rest
Source:: Tactical Life
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