Posted July 1, 2024 8:00 pm by Comments

By Zac K

Happy Canada Day to our hoser readers—but if you’re a Canadian shooter, can you be happy at all, or is your life a big ball of depression thanks to ever-increasing gun laws? The reality is that yes, Canadian firearms laws are very strict, but they’re not always as strict as shooters from other countries might imagine. Or at least they weren’t until very recently, and that might change soon with a new government. On July 1, Canuckistan’s national holiday of Canada Day, let’s take a look at the shooting scene in Canada.Canadian firearms news @ TFB: A Canadian-compliant rifle you can buy in the US Review: Colt Canada IUR – C8 Integrated Upper Receiver Canadian Army Continues Small Arms Upgrades with Purchase of 3,600 GPMGsFiction: Nobody has guns in CanadaAs we told you back in February, Canadians are applying for their PAL (Possession and Acquisition Licence is needed to purchase and own firearms in Canada) in record numbers. Taken into historical context, it’s the biggest push towards new individual firearms ownership that Canada has ever seen. Currently, with about

Source: The Firearm Blog

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