Fudd Friday: Bring Back Pump-Action Rifles
By Zac K
In an age where tacticool and long-range rifles are crowding out most traditional hunting firearms, it would be good to see the Remington 7600 return.
I’m sick and tired of bolt-action rifles, and we definitely don’t need more straight pulls. What we need is more pump-action rifles like the Remington 760 and Savage 170. Let’s explore the history of these practical, but forgotten rifles and why manufacturers need to bring them back.Classic hunting rifles @ TFB: TFB Review: Hornady .25-35 Winchester LEVERevolution – Antique Friendly Firearm Fuel The Rimfire Report: Fixing My Dad’s Marlin Model 60 TFB Armorer’s Bench: Commentary on the Remington 74 Series POTD: The Great Model 8Pump-action rifle historyPeople think that in the late 1800s, America built nothing but lever actions with the odd falling block or revolving carbine thrown into the Wild West mix. But as far back as 1884, Colt had its Lightning pump-action rifle, first chambered in pistol-caliber cartridges just like Winchester’s popular lever guns, and eventually expanding to cover a range from .22LR to .50-95 Express, if you can believe the Internet. Colt’s
Source: The Firearm Blog
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