Concealed Carry Corner: Carrying In Tricky Situations
By Matt E
Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about switching your carry gun too often and some of the struggles that come with that. If you happened to miss that article, be sure to click the link here.This week, there are a few different situations I wanted to go over since I do run into people and have these conversations with them. There will always be odd situations you find yourself in where you need to get creative when it comes to carrying a gun. I’ve run into a number of these situations and figured it would be fun to talk through some of them and how I figured it out. Let’s take a closer look at carrying in tricky situations.
Using A Public Stall While Carrying It happens to the best of us, we are going on with our day and nature suddenly calls. It may be a slow build-up or one
Source: The Firearm Blog
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