Posted February 26, 2025 10:49 pm by Comments

By Grant Clarkson

As Connecticut’s legislative session kicks into full gear, there are many proposed bills that could affect your Second Amendment rights. GOA remains committed to tracking these bills and keeping you informed on the pro and anti-gun measures moving forward. The current list of bills can be seen here.
HB 7042 — Allows for civil lawsuits to be brought against firearm industry members “who fail to exercise ‘reasonable control’ over their product.” What this language means is that firearm industry members can be deemed responsible for the actions of other people outside their company, who commit crimes with a firearm they’ve manufactured or sold. This bill was referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary on February 20th.
HB 6180 — Would require family childcare home operators to notify parents and guardians if firearms are stored in the home. Requiring childcare operators to disclose the presence of firearms is an infringement on their privacy rights and opens the door to other individuals and businesses being required to disclose their firearms as well. This bill was referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis on February 24th.
SB 269 and its companion bill HB 5631 — Requires the state to pursue reciprocity agreements to allow

Source: Gun Owners of America

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