Posted March 14, 2025 9:00 am by Comments

By Vladimir Onokoy

If you are a gun geek like me, the first thing you will see when you visit Bulgaria are Makarov pistols in the holsters of customs officials and border patrol officers. When I first crossed the Bulgarian border on my way from Istanbul, that really surprised me, even though it shouldn’t.Bulgaria is a peaceful country, border police don’t get into gun fights every day, but I still was surprised Makarovs were not replaced by something else in all the years since the Berlin Wall fell.Perhaps the same thought went through the mind of owners of DCI (Defense Capital Industry), the Bulgarian company that specializes in manufacturing machine guns and barrels. Last year they presented their new pistol called DC19 at the Bulgarian exhibition and now they brought it to the international expo for the first time.

Main features of DC19 pistol

DC19 was designed to become the new service handgun of the Bulgarian military and police and replace the

Source: The Firearm Blog

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