Gun Owners of America Texas Announces Gun Owners Lobby Day at the Texas Capitol
By Michael Hensley
Gun Owners of America Texas Announces Gun Owners Lobby Day at the Texas Capitol
March 7, 2025
AUSTIN, TX — Gun Owners of America (GOA) Texas, in partnership with Patriot Mobile and coalition partners, proudly announces Gun Owners Lobby Day on March 11, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Texas State Capitol in Austin. This high-impact day of grassroots activism will unite gun rights advocates, legislators, and key voices in the Second Amendment community to stand strong in defense of constitutional freedoms during the 89th Texas Legislative Session.
The event will take place at the Robert E. Johnson Conference Center at 1501 N Congress Ave for check-in and registration, starting at 10:00 a.m. The kickoff rally will follow at 10:30 a.m., featuring speeches from Erich Pratt, GOA Senior Vice President; Lt. Col. Allen West; Leigh Wambsganss of Patriot Mobile; Kyle Carruth, GOA Texas Legislative Director; Stephen Willeford, GOA Spokesman; Richard Hayes II and Emily Taylor, GOA Legislative Counsel; and several invited Texas legislators, including Sen. Bob Hall and Rep. Briscoe Cain, among others.
At 1:00 p.m., the grassroots rally will take place at the Texas Capitol South Steps, with speakers including Pratt, West, Wambsganss, and bill authors. In case
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