SK Customs Introduces Fourth Production In The “La Revolución” Series
By Darwin N.
SK Guns has announced the “Presidente Madero,” the fourth production in the historic Mexican “La Revolución” series. As a tribute to the 37th president of Mexico, Francisco Madero, SK Customs will release a limited run of 300 Colt 1911 Government models chambered in .38 Super and featuring a highly polished royal blue finish with 24K gold plating and engraved edition number.The slide is wrapped in a native Mexican cannas lily with an illustration of Madero on horseback surrounded by his cadre of supporters on the left side with the engraved slogan, “Sufragio Efectivo No Reelección,” which translates to “Effective Suffrage, No Re-election.” On the right side is an illustration of Presidente Madero and his advisors with the word “Revolución” in large letters and the engraving “Triunfante,” meaning “Triumphant.” Topping off the slide is a portrait of Madero below an iconic Mexican Eagle respective to the era. All illustrations are plated in 24K gold.
Francisco Madero is a
Source: The Firearm Blog
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