Posted January 22, 2025 2:19 am by Comments

By Josh C

This week marks the dawn of a new era in America. After years of darkness, oppression, and suffering, American gun owners can breathe a sigh of relief. That’s right: Smith & Wesson is officially killing the ‘Hillary Hole’.Let’s rewind a bit. In the latter days of the Clinton Era, in the wake of the Columbine Massacre, Smith & Wesson made several concessions with the federal government to protect its contracts. Once such concession was an internal lock mechanism on its legendary revolvers. Insert a key, turn it, and the gun couldn’t fire. In theory, it was a big step toward making firearms safer and reducing accidental discharges, especially from children.In reality, it made Smith and Wesson’s firearms uglier and less reliable. Was it really that much of a problem? Not really. But it was an unseemly reminder of Smith and Wesson having to bend the knee.But good news: Those days are coming to an end. Smith and Wesson has announced a line of classic revolvers with no internal lock. Vincent Perreault, Smith & Wesson’s Director of Brand Marketing, confirmed

Source: The Firearm Blog

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