Wheelgun Wednesday: A Look At The Manville R12, 12 Gauge Revolver
By Doug E
Welcome to TFB’s Wheelgun Wednesday, where we discover the vast world of revolvers together. In this week’s edition, we’ll take a brief look at the Manville R12, which is a 12 gauge revolver designed for using special tear gas cartridges. The R12 was designed during the mid-1930s as a less lethal option for law enforcement to disperse riotous crowds or to deal with dangerous individuals. Let’s take a look at the Manville R12 revolver.Wheelgun Wednesday @ TFB: Smith & Wesson Model 20 .357 Magnum NEW Charter Arms Double Dog Revolver Series A WWI Bayonet For British Revolvers Spohr Revolvers – German, Shooting Precision Smith & Wesson 586 Classic Review
MANVILLE R12 TEAR GAS REVOLVERDespite constant (and inevitably flawed) attempts to create utopias, certain events spur some people to violence, which spurs others to create ways to curtail that violence. From the mid-1930s to the mid-1940s, Charles Manville and his Manville Manufacturing Company sought to give law enforcement another tool in the shed when it came to dealing with rioters and immediate threats from individuals. One such invention was
Source: The Firearm Blog
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