Help Hoplite Industries Move To The USA
By Zac K
Want to put money into a business that is intent on moving to a better future, so to speak? Hoplite Industries, currently based in New Zealand, wants to talk with you—they’re looking to move their operations to the United States.Manufacturing moves @ TFB: New Factory For Hydra Weaponry Derya Arms Announces U.S. Manufacturing Thales Australia Completes Lithgow Arms Factory Expansion and Announces New Rifle At Zastava’s Serbian Factory with the Zastava M84 Machinegun
Who’s Hoplite Industries?Hoplite Industries currently manufactures the DNV-9 night vision equipment (monocular, binocular and panoramic configurations all viewable here). They also make accessories, including a helmet cover, that allow shooters to use their gear more easily. Hoplite Industries also manufactures a low-light drone camera, which is increasingly the sort of gear that militaries are relying on, as we see in the conflict in Ukraine.
Why are they moving?With its New Zealand roots, Hoplite Industries is one of those many firearms/defense sector manufacturers
Source: The Firearm Blog
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