Posted August 24, 2023 11:17 am by Comments

By Erich Pratt

The Ninth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty is meeting this week in Geneva, Switzerland, prompting a discussion about the Arms Trade Treaty and its potential ramifications for American firearm owners if ratified by the Senate.
Former President Barack Obama signed the treaty in 2013 but waited until 2016 to present the document to the Senate in a last-ditch effort to pass further gun control before leaving the White House. Former President Donald Trump withdrew the signature in 2019 due to the treaty’s infringements on national sovereignty and Second Amendment rights.
Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America, told The Sentinel that ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty would indeed infringe upon the rights of American gun owners.
“Gun Owners of America has opposed the Arms Trade Treaty since its inception, as it would encourage the United States to register gun owners and ban certain firearms,” he said. “Should a president ever sign this anti-gun treaty, we will rally gun owners in opposition to it so that it never sees the light of day in the Senate.”
President Joe Biden has not explicitly commented on the Arms Trade Treaty but has promoted further gun control throughout his administration

Source: Gun Owners of America

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