Posted June 1, 2023 3:04 pm by Comments

By Erich Pratt

GOA Deals Serious Setback to Biden’s Anti-gun Agenda
Great News!
Last night, GOA successfully secured a preliminary injunction from a federal judge against Biden’s pistol ban that applies to all members of Gun Owners of America.
This is a serious setback to Joe Biden who was hell-bent on outlawing 40,000,000 firearms, thus turning millions of Americans into felons once the clock struck midnight last night.
Now that we’ve secured this injunction, we can argue our lawsuit on the merits and ask the court to completely STRIKE DOWN this egregious government overreach.
But the Biden-Harris Administration is committed to winning this case, and they’ve made sure their anti-gun ATF cronies have all the funds they need at their disposal.
Meanwhile, our legal expenses are already mounting – and we’re anticipating tens of thousands of dollars in additional legal costs as we continue the fight to defeat the ATF in court.
That’s why we’re asking grassroots pro-gun activists like YOU to help us muster the funds we need to win this case and OVERTURN Biden’s pistol ban for good.
Please make a contribution to our Legal Defense Fund to support our continued legal battle against the ATF as we seek to OVERTURN Biden’s pistol ban.
I want to make one thing

Source: Gun Owners of America

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